Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sickness Strikes...Again!!

Have you heard the saying, "I am sick and tired of being sick and tired?" I remember my friend Joaquin saying that all the time while he and I were spending hours studying together through graduate school despite being exhausted and overwhelmed. Well, the Tremper family is freaking sick and tired of being sick and tired! Over the holidays, we were passing sickness back and worth to each other. Elsie puked; then Carson puked; then Mishawn almost puked; and then Matt totally puked. Our Christmas was filled with lots of cheer plus plenty of barfing, hacking, pooping, and shivering. Unfortunately, that sickness has cycled back around again. Last weekend, Carson had a 103 degree temperature for a few days, which made for two long sleepless nights comforting her in our bed and in the rocking chair. Then on Tuesday, I came home from work with a 101 degree temperature. After my temperature finally returned to normal two days later, I woke up dizzy and nauseous, barely able to get out of bed. I went to work on Friday, but only lasted half the day. Praise the Lord that Mishawn and Elsie have not been down for the count least not yet! Hopefully this weekend will bring more rest and a return to better health in the Tremper family.

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